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There's Too Much on the Internet


Do you find it difficult to find answers on the Internet?

As a writer, a lot of what my job entails is researching specific topics for the facts and sharing that knowledge in a fun and readable way for the viewers. Sometimes more professional than fun, depending on the job.

Don’t laugh, but one of my favourite topics was “Can you Store Soda on its Side?”. You’d be surprised how many people google this on a daily, and how much rubbish there is written about it. Is it a topic that really matters? No, it certainly isn’t.

But it’s something people obviously need a solution or an answer to. Whether it be from a dinner argument among friends that needs settled, simple curiosity, or maybe even a science experiment. Who knows?

What I do know, is that it’s one of the 1250-word blog posts I have spent the most time on researching for an answer. Because the internet basically just has too much on it.

Maybe I’m alone in this battle, but when it comes to writing, I want to tell you the truth. I don’t want to post lies on the internet, providing further opinion-based content that doesn’t give people the answer they need.

We need answers people, and we need the right answers, the truth.

I understand your opinion is YOUR truth, and that’s absolutely fine. But what about the scientific truth? The measured truth? Opinion is just that, your opinion. It’s hard to get the facts when the first google searches that come up are blogs based on people’s own experiences that aren’t necessarily correct.

Your experience happened, then someone else comes along and does the same thing but has a different experience, and so on and so on. Everyone writes about it, and that’s wonderful because sharing experiences with the world is how we can all grow and dream for more.

But please, for the love of truth, stick to the facts.

I write a lot about the sport motocross too. It’s one of my favourite subjects because it’s fun and I’m learning about something I would love to either try out or spectate one day. But when it comes to the classic “Are 2-stroke or 4-stroke dirt bikes better?”, they are two completely different dirt bikes so there is NO answer to that question.

Yet I need to spend hours upon hours researching and finding the best possible answer out of hundreds and thousands of opinion-based blogs. Because guess what? People who ride 2-stroke dirt bikes, all agree that 2-strokes are better than 4-strokes, and vice versa.

It’s time-consuming and frustrating and I wish that fact-based posts were at the top of the list but it’s just something I’m learning to navigate my way through.

With over half of the world’s population having access to the internet, 4.66 billion to be more precise, it’s easy to see why there’s so much on the internet. It’s my job to seek out the facts, and provide them to you, to continue sharing the answers we know to be true.

I’m curious, what’s your take on this subject?

You can, by the way, store soda on its side. “There is no greater or lesser risk of the soda losing its fizz if it’s stored upright or on its side”

You’re welcome.


© 2022 by Bridie McDonald

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