Looking inward instead of outward.
I recently asked a close friend of mine, that if I were to write about anything at all, what would she like to read about? Her response was fast, simple, and saddening. “How to find peace in covid”. This response led me to the realization that people really aren’t coping with Lockdowns.
A few days ago, I was the prey of someone from a past life, that is quite obviously feeling remorseful towards me because I have “freedom” and they do not. I took a breath, something I learned throughout my time in lockdown, and calmly responded that, yes, I am indeed enjoying my much-needed freedom and I hope you can soon too.
Here’s the facts: EVERYONE in the world has been in some form of lockdown over the last 19 months of the Covid-19 pandemic. To whomever might be reading this, you most certainly are NOT alone and are not the only one going through something very challenging. Ask for help if you need it.
I ask the question here; do you know which country had the harshest lockdown restrictions? Spain had military marching through the streets checking every person who wasn’t at home. Italy closed every single shop except grocery stores and pharmacies. China banned all private vehicles on the road. There’s more, but I’ll let you do your own research.
I understand we are not all in the same boat. Some people have already jumped off the boat and are either sinking or swimming while others have stayed on the boat only to find that the boat quite simply sucks.
I cannot tell anyone how to find peace in Covid. Believe me I wish I could. But my journey was different to yours, and yours will be different to you neighbours, and theirs will be different to their distant cousins.
What I can tell you, is that perhaps, instead of seeking how to find peace in Covid, you should seek how to find peace within yourself.
You can tell me you’ve tried everything, from building new furniture, to walking the dog three times a day, to playing board games with family. But there’s always something else to be done. Or not to be done. There is absolutely no way, that you have done everything there is to do throughout this lockdown.
Have you asked your friends what they’re doing to kill time? Have you thought about upskilling or studying something you’ve always wanted to? I assume you’ve already read new books and started exercising or meditation. Have you tried being less hard on yourself for just sitting on the couch and enjoying it?
Have you figured out yet that you don’t necessarily HAVE to do anything at all if you don’t want to?
Finding peace in Covid is not simply about finding new things to do. It’s about enjoying what you already have. It’s about enjoying what you usually don’t have the time to enjoy. Peace and quiet and a much simpler life.
Consider 100 years ago when the internet, television, and mobile phones were not in existence. Those people, our grandparents and their grandparents, got along just fine without everything we have today.
Why are you so bored? Why are you so sad? Because you can’t see your friends? What were you doing before lockdown that’s changed so drastically now? Were you out every second of the day and night when you weren’t working? Did you actually go to the movies once or twice a week? Were you out with friends every weekend?
Be honest with yourself, the way I had to be honest with myself to get through lockdowns, what has changed so much, other than the label of a restriction, in your daily life?
Please try to find peace knowing that your lockdown will not last. Please find peace knowing that it will come to an end. Please find peace, in the simpler life, that won’t come very often, if at all, once the lockdown ends. Please find peace knowing that the plans you had to cancel, will be rescheduled or will commence when the time comes. You, my friends, will be busy again.
The main definition of peace is this – Freedom from disturbance, tranquility.