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Do You Care Enough About Climate Change?


How much do you really know about the ocean and what it does for us and our planet?

How much do you know about the trees and how they sustain life on our planet? Are you aware, that without the ocean and without mother nature, we would not have a future?

Now ask yourself, do you truly care enough about climate change?

Have you noticed the world falling apart? Floods and wildfires rage through our homelands, killing and destroying our wildlife and furiously devastating and destroy homes, livestock, crops, and bringing disease through dirty water.

Climate change might not be the cause of these natural disasters, but climate change makes them bigger and more frequent. And that’s a problem.

Have two minutes to find out more? Here’s a super quick version of what climate change is, how humans are causing it, and how we can possibly stall it, for the sake of our future.

What is Climate Change?

Climate change is the alteration of the usual temperature and weather patterns in one or more places.

What Causes Climate Change?

The overconsumption of human activity, releasing too many greenhouse gasses into the environment.

What is the Greenhouse Effect?

The Greenhouse Effect is natural. The natural effect of gasses warming up our planet so that it’s livable. We need this to survive because without it, earth would be too cold.

What are Greenhouse Gasses?

Greenhouse Gasses trap heat in the earth’s atmosphere. We need heat in the atmosphere for our planet to be habitable. But there are so many humans on the planet now, we’re producing too much heat for the planet to handle. This has caused the Greenhouse Effect to be amplified, essentially heating our planet’s average temperature, causing what we know as Global Warming.

What is Global Warming?

Global Warming is the increase of temperatures on our land and in our oceans, globally, caused by increased levels of Carbon Dioxide. With a rise in temperatures across the globe, comes a rise in issues across the globe, including:

  • Habitat loss

  • Extreme weather events

  • Landslides

  • Reduction of arctic sea ice

  • Rise in sea-level

  • Whole countries will be lost to sea rise

  • Acidic oceans

  • Huge loss of marine life

I could keep this list going for a while, but I promised you two minutes.

What is Carbon Dioxide and What Causes it?

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is a gas. It’s one of the main greenhouse gasses that assist in keeping the earth’s atmosphere warm. It’s naturally in the earth’s atmosphere but is also made from burning fossil fuels, emitting exhaust fumes into the air, producing energy, deforestation, among other causes.

  • Too much CO2 is poisonous and can cause damage to a human’s central nervous system if you’re over-exposed.

  • Too much carbon dioxide threatens ocean ecosystems.

How is Carbon Dioxide Reduced so it’s Not Poisonous to Humans?

Trees, plants, soil, all things nature really, and the ocean, absorb Carbon Dioxide. In fact, the ocean absorbs over half of the carbon dioxide in our atmosphere, and without the ocean doing that, we’d probably not be able to live on this planet anymore because of the huge amounts of Carbon Dioxide we all emit into the air.

The sad thing about this is that the ocean is saving us, by killing itself.

That’s my two minutes up. I timed it. To be fair, I read quickly.

So, here’s the last thing I have to say to those who are still reading.

Please stop producing carbon dioxide when you don’t need to.

One of the simplest ways you can help to preserve our very own planet, is to ask yourself before doing anything, is it necessary?

Do you have to drive to the shopping center, 1km down the road for milk and bread or can you walk? Do you need to switch the bathroom light on in the middle of the day? Is it necessary to have more than three televisions in one household? It’s raining outside, but that doesn’t mean it’s cold. Do you need the heater on, or can you put a jumper on?

  • Be mindful of your energy consumption and use less of it

  • Reduce your unnecessary driving time

  • Purchase energy-efficient appliances

  • Ever thought about an electric car? Expensive I know, but look into it, they are the future.

You do have options to reduce your carbon footprint that is slowly, but not so slowly when you think about it, killing our earth.

What are you doing less of, to help your children and their children have a cleaner, clearer future?


© 2022 by Bridie McDonald

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